Welcome to my page! Let me introduce myself : I am Nathaniel Aster, cinephile, part-time blogger and pogo aficionado.
I am 23 years old and I have been living in Montreal for a few years. I grew up with my father in the countryside. Together, we spent most of our evenings looking at the sky with our telescope. I have always been fascinated by the stars. This is to be expected when your father is Dr Nicolas Aster, director of the 88 Constellations Observatory. When we weren't looking at the stars, we turned to the movies and watched the Hollywood "stars". This is another passion of mine that grows more and more each year.
I moved to the city so I could pursuit my dream of studying the art of cinema, in college. Years later, I gave my other passion a go, and applied in astronomy at the university of Montreal. I try to fill any free time by learning about anything I can. I guess you can say I’m a very curious kind of person. I took karate classes, cooking and pottery (the mistake!) classes. I also try to learn as many forms of communication possible. These last 10 years, I’ve managed to learn Spanish, a bit of Italian as well as some bits and pieces of morse code. I’ve also achieved the Master Level in sign languages!
I have yet to decide what I want to do for a living. I’m torn between my two passions, astronomy and cinema, so for now, I’ve decided to start this blog of movie reviews, just for fun.
Please be aware, I am in no way a professional critic!