The sequel to Bill & Ted’s Excellent Adventure brings us back to San Dimas, two years after the events of the first film. Chuck De Nomolos, a bad guy in an oversized black plastic costume, sends two evil robot doppelganger version of our heroes in the past (our present) in order to sabotage Bill and Ted’s chances to win a rock music contest. The idea is to stop them from becoming the most influential duo the world has ever seen and change the future.
To my humble opinion, Bogus is one of those rare times that a sequel is better than the original. I know, it’s a lot to say : The Godfather part II, The Empire Strikes Back and…Bill & Ted’s Bogus Journey? Let me explain, this movie is very different from its predecessor. Without changing any of the core rules and bases of the first Bill&Ted that made it the success it was, Bogus takes us to different and unexpected grounds. It successfully avoids the usual Hollywood sequel recipe of repeating the same ideas from the first film, only bigger.
Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves are just perfect again as Bill and Ted. The newly addition to the gang, Grim Reaper, portrayed by William Sadler, is refreshing and funny. My only real disappointment really is that the character of Rufus, played by my favorite comedian George Carlin, has a very small part in the film. He only appears on screen for a few minutes and I would’ve loved a lot more of him.
Bill & Ted’s movies are great comedies that don’t take themselves too seriously. These films are intended for a younger audience, but I assure you that anybody with a sense of humor will have a blast watching them!
Aster Score: 4.5 / 5
Comments: 1
Marc Beaulieu
It's good, but after two movies, I can't remember who Bill is and who Ted is.