Taxi Driver

Martin Scorsese (1976)

Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey Image
Avatar Posted on 10.08.2020 by Nathaniel Aster

Robert DeNiro plays Travis Bickle, a New York taxi driver with a disdain for the crimes and corruption he sees everyday around him. After a quick encounter with an underaged prostitute named Iris (Jodie Foster), Travis decides that he needs to take matters into his own hands if things are to change. He sees himself as a savior, and undertakes a long descent into hell that will change him greatly and ultimately throw him in a blood bath against some of the city’s worst scum.

Upon its release more then 45 years ago, the film had shocked a lot of people. Critics called it perverse and accused Scorsese of glorifying violence without providing any real solution to the problem. I guess the years have changed people’s opinion, we now understand Scorsese’s critique of society. The film mainly talks about mental health, isolation and loneliness. The extreme violence present in the final scenes of the films exists for the soul purpose to support this disorder, shock, and make us realize the reality.

Aster Score: 4.5 / 5

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Nathaniel Aster

Little geek from the countryside who dreams of the stars and the seventh art. Astronomy student and film critic in his spare time. I like science fiction, humor, languages and pogos, but I already said that.

Comments: 2

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Patrice Archambault

This film is a piece of garbage! It only glorifies violence! I can’t believe you actually liked this film , Nathaniel. I’ll pray for your soul, your father must be ashamed.

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Vanessa M'baoda

I like the part when they all shoot themselves lol.

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